Planned Giving Program

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

John 3:16


The Sandgate Brighton Catholic Parish is responsible for generating its own income each year.

From the funds collected the parish must pay for all of its activities including providing for the Parish Priest, the running of the Parish Office including payment of staff, the maintenance and improvements to all parish buildings such as our two sister Churches and Parish Halls, all liturgical and sacramental expenses, levies to the Archdiocese, and repayments on any loans.

Although the parish generates some income from hire of its property, fundraising and events, the vast majority of the funds necessary to keep our parish running come directly from parishioners.

To assist, a Planned Giving Program is run within the parish. Donating regularly in this way rather than via the loose collection assists in the financial planning within the parish. Within this program a parishioner makes a periodic pledge to the parish – either monthly, fortnightly, or weekly.

The pledge is then fulfilled in one of three ways:

  1. Direct Debit from your bank account
    Direct Debit Request Form (PDF)
  2. Credit Card deduction
    Credit Card Recurrent Payment Form (PDF)
  3. Planned Giving Envelopes issued to a parishioner annually. At each weekend mass attended, your envelope with money included is brought to mass and placed on the collection plate.

​If possible we would ask parishioners to give via Direct Debit and Credit Card as the manual counting and banking of monies, and processing of Planned Giving envelopes represents a much higher administrative cost to our parish.

If you have any questions about the Planned Giving Program then please contact the Parish Office

T: 07 3869 1377


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